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Herbarium View

1. Taxonomic Information
Common Taxon LI
Scientific Name Psoroma orphninum (Hue) P.M. Jørg.
Korean Name
Kingdom Fungi
Division/Phylum Ascomycota
Class Lecanoromycetes
Order Peltigerales
Family Pannariaceae
Genus Psoroma
2. Collection information
Collector Soon Gyu Hong
Coll. Date 2015-02-10 ~ 2015-02-10
Coll. No. 2015KGIH-389
3. Determination Information
Det. by Arve Elvebakk
4. Locality Information
Location [Antarctic] King George Island
Specific Locality Barton Peninsula, on the way from Gaya Hill to Penguin Rookery
Habitat Information rock
Latitude [S]62°13'53.189"
Longitude [W]58°44'22.477"
Altitude / Depth [+]m / m
5. Specimen information
NCBI Nucleotide Sequences
Phylogenetic Tree